Elaine, a distinguished graduate with a double major in marketing and finance from Simon Fraser University, further refined her expertise with a real estate diploma from the prestigious Sauder School of Business at the University of British Columbia. Beyond her academic achievements, Elaine's success is rooted in her unwavering commitment to ensuring complete client satisfaction in every real estate transaction.

With a profound understanding of the Vancouver real estate market and an extensive industry network, Elaine guides clients to their ideal properties. On the buyer's side, she skillfully navigates the market, utilizing her experience and connections to identify opportunities that align with clients' needs. For sellers, Elaine employs cutting-edge technology, social media strategies, and special event marketing to showcase properties and maximize exposure to potential buyers. Her holistic approach ensures a seamless and successful real estate experience for all clients.

转眼间来温哥华已经十几个年头了, 这座城市见证了我人生的几大转变: 在西蒙菲莎大学完成学业, 取得金融学位; 由学生迈入工作, 如今创立了自己的公司事业。这中间的种种, 既是阳光妩媚无限好, 也偶尔有几日阴霾阴雨天, 但温哥华的柔情万种总能抚慰我心头的困倦, 让我重扬风帆。

我的职业生涯蜕变为地产领域专业人士,并且在不列颠哥伦比亚大学攻读地产学位并取得地产经纪证书,我致力于为客户提供卓越的服务。现如今的我,已经帮助了不计其数的家庭寻觅到梦寐以求的住所, 协助了多位客人购入高年回报率,租金稳定的商业店铺; 同时与开发商合作完成土地兼并项目,获得卓越的投资回报


Get In Touch

Elaine Chen

Mobile: 604 900 0080

Phone: 604 913 9000


Office Info


1453 Bellevue Avenue  West Vancouver,  BC  V7T 1C3 

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